Legitimists - Wikipedia
The Legitimists (French: Légitimistes) are royalists who adhere to the rights of dynastic succession to the French crown of the descendants of the eldest branch of the Bourbon dynasty, which was overthrown in the 1830 July Revolution. [1] .
legitimism | "legitimism" 的词源、"legitimism" 的起源和意思
legitimism 意思是: 正统; "合法性的坚持",1849年,来自法语légitimisme(1834年);参见legitimate(形容词)+-ism。 在19世纪,特别是涉及法国或西班牙政治和保守派坚持“合法”的王位继承人。
Legitimist | Royalists, Bourbon Dynasty, Restoration | Britannica
Legitimist, in 19th-century France, any of the royalists who from 1830 onward supported the claims of the representative of the senior line of the house of Bourbon to be the legitimate king of France.
Legitimism Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of LEGITIMISM is adherence to the principles of political legitimacy or to a person claiming legitimacy.
Legitimism | government | Britannica
The defenders of legitimism, who came mostly from the landed nobility, the court aristocracy, the officer corps, the upper bureaucracy, and the established church, therefore began to advance new arguments based on conservative assumptions about the nature of man and society.
legitimism, n. meanings, etymology and more - Oxford English …
The earliest known use of the noun legitimism is in the 1830s. OED's earliest evidence for legitimism is from 1839, in the Times (London). legitimism is formed within English, by derivation; originally modelled on a French lexical item.
2010年2月26日 · The work of Arthur de Gobineau has presented scholars with a number of interpretive problems concerning his status as a race theorist, his place in the history of racial thought, and the influence of his work on subsequent thinkers.
legitimism - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2024年12月18日 · legitimism (usually uncountable, plural legitimisms) The principles or ideas of legitimists.
LEGITIMATION中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
LEGITIMATION翻译:合理化;接受,认可。 了解更多。
Legitimism - definition of legitimism by The Free Dictionary
Define legitimism. legitimism synonyms, legitimism pronunciation, legitimism translation, English dictionary definition of legitimism. n. One that believes in or advocates rule by hereditary right. le·git′i·mism n. le·git′i·mist adj. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language,...