Foot Callus Remover | Pumice Stone Co.
Offering an easy, natural and healthy way to remove calluses and dead skin, our Pumice Stones keep your feet soft, smooth and supple just like a baby’s feet - without the high cost of an in-spa pedicure. Simply soak your feet in warm water for 2-5 minutes.
Pumice Stone: Uses, Benefits, and Risks - WebMD
2024年9月21日 · What Is a Pumice Stone? A pumice stone is a type of volcanic rock that forms when lava suddenly cools during an eruption. It’s porous and light and has a spongelike appearance. Many industries...
Pumice - Wikipedia
Pumice ( / ˈpʌmɪs /), called pumicite in its powdered or dust form, is a volcanic rock that consists of extremely vesicular rough-textured volcanic glass, which may or may not contain crystals. It is typically light-colored.
浮石指火山喷发后岩浆冷却后形成的一种 矿物质,主要成分是二氧化硅,质地软,比重小能浮于水面,故称浮石,又叫江沫石(因形得名)。 浮石也是指巷道和采矿工作面的顶板已产生裂隙、尚未脱离岩体或矿体,但有脱落危险的岩块或矿石块。 一旦发现浮石,需立即用人工方法将其撬下,以免对设备和作业人员造成伤害。 [1] 浮石不仅可以广泛用于建筑、园林、纺织业、制衣厂、服装及 牛仔服装 洗水厂、洗漂厂、染整厂等行业,还是护肤、护足的佳品,可以有效的去除皮肤上 …
Amazon.com: Pumice Stone
Pumice Stone - Natural Earth Lava Black - Callus/Corn Remover for Feet Heels and Palm - Pedicure Exfoliation Tool - Dry Dead Skin Scrubber - Health Foot Care
PUMICE STONE中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
PUMICE STONE翻译:浮石,轻石(用来摩擦物体使其光滑)。 了解更多。
How to Use a Pumice Stone: The Ultimate Guide - wikiHow
2024年8月9日 · Perfect for all kinds of exfoliation, pumice is a cheap and easy way to remove dead skin and more—some of its uses might just surprise you! In this article, we’ll go over all the best ways to use a pumice stone and how to keep it clean and sanitary so you can use it again and again. Soften your skin by soaking it in warm water for around 5 minutes.
How to Use a Pumice Stone on Your Feet: Dos and Don'ts - The Healthy
2024年9月30日 · How do you use a pumice stone? “Pumice stones are a preferred option for at-home use in the shower or bath to alleviate dry, calloused feet and toes,” says Tia Delponte, owner of Tia’s Corner and an aesthetician at Color Up Wellness Center. She recommends using a hard pumice stone to smooth the cracked and scaly areas of the feet.
7 Ways to Use a Pumice Stone for Cleaning - Martha Stewart
2024年11月19日 · Some of the uses we've outlined involve the exact pumice stone found in nail salons or your spa kit, while others refer to a pumice-like stone or a cleaning block that safely sloughs off frustrating stuck-on stains and grimy gunk. In either form, it's a tool that all styles of cleaners can get behind.
How to Use a Pumice Stone: Tools and Techniques - Healthline
2023年9月11日 · It’s a light-yet-abrasive stone used to remove dry, dead skin. A pumice stone can also soften your calluses and corns to reduce pain from friction. You can use this stone daily, but...