2024年7月11日 · INSPIRE now offers the option to add Bluesky and Mastodon accounts, along with LinkedIn and X, to your profile. Bluesky accounts are stored in the format …
11 小时之前 · PhD position: "Genealogy of extreme particles in branching processes and links with particle physics observables"
Bibliography generator - INSPIRE-HEP
Instructions. Write your paper in LaTeX as usual. Cite papers in your LaTeX file using the \\cite{...} macro. The citation keys will be used to retrieve the bibliographic information for the …
2022年4月5日 · Searching. See our Search Tips page. Authorship. How can I make sure my publication list on INSPIRE is correct? How can I create an authors.xml file to ensure my …
Note: The XXXI International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics will be held in Milano from Monday, 17th June 2024, to Saturday, 22th June 2024.
2009年12月24日 · Learning Symmetry-Independent Jet Representations via Jet-Based Joint Embedding Predictive Architecture
INSPIRE expands social media options – INSPIRE-HEP Blog
2024年12月9日 · INSPIRE now offers the option to add Bluesky and Mastodon accounts, along with LinkedIn and X, to your profile. Bluesky accounts are stored in the format …
Preliminary Design of a Block-Coil Magnet for the Muon Collider Ring
2020年3月4日 · INSPIRE (http://inspirehep.net/) is a trusted community hub that helps researchers to share and find accurate scholarly information in high energy physics.It serves ...
1308 L. V. KELDYSH S(y, 10/11 w) is a relatively slowly varying function of the frequency and of the field, defined by formula (18) below, and A is a numerical coefficient of the order of unity. …