Play Theorists Playful Learning Resource A Playful Teacher Education Resource © 2021. President and Fellows of Harvard College. Tool Title was developed by Pedagogy ...
2 PART 1: Background The theory of multiple intelligences, developed by psychologist Howard Gardner in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, posits that individuals possess eight or more relatively autonomous
Homepage | Project Zero
A collection of more than 65 Thinking Routines from PZ’s research projects, including Agency by Design, Artful Thinking, Cultures of Thinking, Visible Thinking, and more.
Visible Thinking | Project Zero - Harvard University
Visible Thinking began as an initiative to develop a research-based approach to teaching thinking dispositions. The approach emphasized three core practices: thinking routines, the documentation of student thinking, and reflective professional practice.
Designing and Documenting: The Inquiry Cycle | Project Zero
Design the Learning Experience. 1a) Explain what theme, subject matter, or unit of inquiry you’ll be focusing on during the learning experience that you will be documenting in this inquiry cycle (e.g. the Civil Rights Movement, To Kill a Mockingbird, velocity, wind & waves, collaboration, etc.).. 1b) List one or more learning objectives (something you hope your students will learn or ...
Pedagogy of Play | Project Zero - Harvard University
Since 2015, we have been investigating the relationship between play and school. A growing body of evidence demonstrates that play supports children’s social, cognitive, emotional, and physical development, and that there is a positive connection between enjoying learning and academic success.
PZ's Thinking Routines Toolbox | Project Zero - Harvard University
A vast array of PZ's work has explored the development of thinking, the concept of thinking dispositions, and the many ways routines can be used to support student learning and thinking across age groups, disciplines, ideals, competencies, and populations.
Teen and Young Adult Perspectives on Generative AI
Resource Summary. Generative AI has quickly become a key part of the digital landscape, offering new opportunities while posing new risks. Understanding young people’s perspectives is essential for making policy and practice decisions.
Looking at Student Work: Suggested Practices | Project Zero
Before diving into the suggested practices for looking at student work, it is important to consider the broader practice of documentation. Documentation of student learning in a maker-centered environment can include documenting a vast and varied array of made products along with artifacts that capture the processes involved in the creation of those products.
A Pedagogy of Play: Supporting playful learning in classrooms and ...
Resource Summary. Play is at the heart of childhood. Through play, children learn how to collaborate, how to negotiate rules and relationships, and how to imagine and create.