
睡莲(学名: Nymphaea tetragona Georgi)是睡莲科睡莲属植物。 多年水生 草本 ;根状茎短粗。 叶纸质,心状卵形或卵状椭圆形,长5-12厘米,宽3.5-9厘米,基部具深弯缺,约占叶片全长的1/3,裂片急尖,稍开展或几重合,全缘,上面光亮,下面带红色或紫色,两面 ...
Tetragona - Wikipedia
Tetragona is a genus of bees belonging to the family Apidae. [1] The species of this genus are found in South America. [1] Species: [1] Tetragona beebei (Schwarz, 1938) Tetragona clavipes (Fabricius, 1804) Tetragona dissecta Moure, 2000; Tetragona dorsalis (Smith, 1854) Tetragona essequiboensis (Schwarz, 1940) Tetragona goettei (Friese, 1900)
Crassula tetragona - Wikipedia
Crassula tetragona is a succulent plant native to Southern Africa. It is widely distributed from the Orange River boundary of Namaqualand to beyond the Kei River in the Eastern Cape. "Tetragona" comes from the phyllotaxy of the leaves.
睡莲属 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
睡蓮屬 (學名: Nymphaea)是睡蓮科下的一屬。 睡蓮屬的学名 Nymphaea 来自於 古希腊语 单词“Νυμφαία”,这个来自於“Νύμφη”,“Νύμφη”的意思是 宁芙。 宁芙是 希臘神話 中一类住在湖泊、森林、河流、巖洞和海邊中的美麗女神,深受眾神和男人的崇敬與愛慕。 睡莲属为睡莲科中分布最广的一属,除 南极 之外,世界各地皆可找到睡莲的踪迹。 睡蓮屬皆浮在水面,是 水生植物,葉色濃綠而光亮,不同之品種各有紅、紫、褐色等斑點,花朵碩大,具 花萼 四枚,盛開於 夏季, …
Crassula Tetragona Care Guide - Sublime Succulents
2022年7月11日 · Crassula tetragona, also known as Miniature Pine Trees, is a unique-looking succulent native to southern Africa. In the wild, its habitat ranges from the Orange River in Namaqualand to the Kei River in the Eastern Cape. This succulent is prized among collectors for its distinctive foliage and compact size.
【地球生物全系列——植物篇】睡莲目—睡莲科(上) - 知乎
睡莲(学名:Nymphaea tetragona)又称子午莲、水芹花、瑞莲、水洋花或小莲花,是属于睡莲目睡莲科睡莲属的水生植物。在我国广泛分布。生在池沼中。俄罗斯、朝鲜、日本、印度、越南、美国均有。 ①形态特征. 多年水生草本;根状茎短粗。
蓝莲花,学名 睡莲 (Nymphaea tetragona ), 双子叶植物纲 、睡莲科的植物,多年 水生花卉 ,共有8属100种左右,同时还有漫画《蓝莲花》和歌曲《蓝莲花 》。睡莲还是泰国、埃及、孟加拉国的国花。
Tetragonia - Wikipedia
Tetragonia is a genus of 51 species of flowering plants in the family Aizoaceae, native to temperate and subtropical regions mostly of the Southern Hemisphere, in New Zealand, Australia, southern and eastern Africa, and western South America, and eastern Asia. [1] Plants of the genus Tetragonia are herbs or small shrubs.
Crassula tetragona (Miniature Pine Tree): All You Need To Know
Crassula tetragona, commonly known as Miniature Pine Tree, is a distinctive succulent that mimics the appearance of a conifer but with the water-wise benefits of a succulent. It features long, narrow leaves arranged around its stems, resembling the needles of a pine tree.
四方型飘拂草 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Fimbristylis tetragona R. Br., 1810 四方型飘拂草 ( 学名 : Fimbristylis tetragona ),又名 四棱飘拂草 ,为 莎草科 飘拂草属 下的一个种。