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ultrasonographic是什么意思_ultrasonographic的翻译_音标_读音_ …
爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供ultrasonographic的中文意思,ultrasonographic的用法讲解,ultrasonographic的读音,ultrasonographic的同义词,ultrasonographic的反义 …
Ultrasound - Special Subjects - Merck Manual Consumer Version
During an ultrasound, a device called a transducer converts electrical current into sound waves, which are sent into the body’s tissues. Sound waves bounce off structures in the body and are …
ULTRASONOGRAPHY中文(繁体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge …
Erratum: Comprehensive ultrasonographic evaluation of normal and fibrotic kidneys in a mouse model with an ultra-highfrequency transducer
Ultrasound vs Ultrasonography - What's the difference? - WikiDiff
In medicine terms the difference between ultrasound and ultrasonography is that ultrasound is the use of ultrasonic waves for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes while ultrasonography is the …
- 有关 ultrasonographic 的详细信息definition
- adjective form of ultrasonography
Basic physics of ultrasonographic imaging - World Health …
2005年1月1日 · Ultrasonic imaging is a technique of generating images using a very high frequency sound. Sound is a mechanical, vibration form of energy. Ultrasound for medical …
Ultrasound Imaging: Basic Principles and Terminology
2022年12月14日 · This chapter is a comprehensive review of the basics of ultrasound imaging. It contains general principles of the physics and main ultrasonographic techniques that are …
Basic physics of ultrasound imaging - PubMed
The appearance of ultrasound images depends critically on the physical interactions of sound with the tissues in the body. The basic principles of ultrasound imaging and the physical reasons …
Ultrasonographic | definition of ultrasonographic by Medical …
Two types of ultrasonographic measurements are used: (1) The time-amplitude or A-scan which measures the time or distance from the transducer to the interface and back. Thus echoes …