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Voces Digital is an online platform offering digital textbooks, resources, and interactive activities for language learning. What languages are available? Voces Digital offers resources for Spanish, French, German, Italian, and English.
Voces por el mundo 3 Spanish K-8 Acquisition-Driven Series Students in K-8 discover the magic of language acquisition through captivating stories, compelling cultural materials, and meaningful classroom interactions that lead to further study in the Nuestra historia series.
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Voces Support Ideal for new subscribers and experienced users alike! We will go over key features, showing how to create classes and assignments, and can answer any questions you have about grading, editing, or other aspects of the platform!
Discover the Voces grammar-based curriculum, Voices of the World, including how to… get the most out of the activities, videos, stories, games, and other content; focus on communication in the target language; assess student growth