erd - ER vs database schema diagrams - Database Administrators …
2020年10月14日 · ER diagramming grew out of ER modeling. ER models were intended to be application neutral, so that ER modeling could be applied to a given situation whether the ultimate implementation was to use relational databases or some other technology, such as the (then current) hierarchical databases or the CODASYL style network databases.
database schema design for school system
2012年8月7日 · Another thing to note is that if teacher A teaches a class called 'Maths' and teacher B also teaches a class called 'Maths' then these should be different entities in the database (I think). For example, I may want to get a list of students that take the class 'Math' with 'teacher A' only.
postgresql - Schema design for user activity logging - Database ...
2016年11月1日 · I'm designing a schema to support logging of user activity, where users must be able to search: Across all events (events of any type), with datetime range, by username; Across events of one type, with same as above and additionally with parameters of that module. I created this schema: And designed queries to search: across all events:
School Database Schema - Database Administrators Stack Exchange
2020年10月21日 · School Database Schema. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 3 months ago. Modified 4 years, 3 months ago. Viewed ...
database design - Understanding a double entry accounting DB …
2021年12月27日 · the database schema of the vast majority of Accounting Systems follows this architecture is true, and that most DB administrators seem to agree due to the lack of counter arguments on said previous question, and I am also trying to understand dual entry bookkeeping database principles (without having used many myself), I have specific questions ...
sql server - How do you document your databases? - Database ...
SchemaCrawler produces a text file with all of database schema objects. This text output is designed to be both human-readable, as well as diff-able against similar output from another server. In practice, what I have found is that outputting a text file of the database schema is useful, when done as part of the build.
Database schema to manage customers subscriptions
2023年3月17日 · Database schema for video statistics. 0. Database Design: Can only sell to X customers per given timeframe ...
sql server - Writing a simple bank schema: How should I keep my ...
I am writing the schema for a simple bank database. Here are the basic specifications: The database will store transactions against a user and currency. Every user has one balance per currency, so each balance is simply the sum of all transactions against a given user and currency. A balance cannot be negative.
Database design of Room Booking system in a Hotel
2016年1月5日 · I am currently designing a Database for a Room Booking system in a Hotel. Client fills a Form / Request with following information about Room: amount of people in room; rating of a room; check in and check out date; Administrator has a dashboard with list of Forms from Clients, he will assign each Room for every Client manually. After this User ...
schema - Is there any good tool for making Database Design and ...
Vertabelo is an online database designer working under Chrome and Safari developed by company I work for. The most important feature of this tool is that it allow to share database models across the team and collaborate on them via web browser.