约 236,000 个结果
  1. 10+纯生信,结合单细胞+bulk数据,基于“gene pair ”建模并进行 …

  2. Gene-pair expression signatures reveal lineage control

  3. 利用稀疏矩阵分解对单细胞数据构建基因共表达网络 - 知乎

  4. Gene-pair expression signatures reveal lineage control

  5. 基于gene-pair差异评分的机器学习预测AML发病风险 - 搜狐

  6. 【PNAS】一种基于单细胞表达数据推断基因间关系的深度学习方 …

  7. Synthetic lethal gene pairs: Experimental approaches and …

  8. Gene pair signatures in cell type transcriptomes reveal lineage …

  9. Nuclear gene proximity and protein interactions shape transcript ...

  10. Transcriptome-wide gene-gene interaction associations elucidate …