约 11 个结果
  1. What is the correct pronunciation of Hele? - English Language

  2. "Can't help but" vs "can't help" - English Language & Usage Stack …

  3. etymology - Why is "bloody hell" offensive or shocking? - English ...

  4. "Can/may/will you help me with this?"

  5. For a deceased person, do we use 'the late' or 'late'?

  6. word choice - "Could you please" vs "Could you kindly" - English ...

  7. What's the correct pronunciation of "epitome": "Epi-tome" or "Epi …

  8. Correct pronunciation of "herbs" - English Language & Usage …

  9. Is /sʌbˈsiːkwənt/ a correct pronunciation of the word "subsequent"

  10. What is the correct pronunciation of “regex”?