约 46,500 个结果
  1. 德语助手|德汉-汉德词典 hitzig是什么意思_hitzig的中文解释和发音_hitzig的翻译_hitzig

  2. HITZIG | translate German to English - Cambridge Dictionary

  3. Eduard Hitzig - Wikipedia

  4. German-English translation for "hitzig" - Langenscheidt

  5. hitzig 的翻译 —— 德语-英语词典 - Cambridge Dictionary

  6. hitzig translation in English | German-English dictionary - Reverso

  7. hitzig - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

  8. HITZIG德語-英語翻譯:劍橋詞典 - Cambridge Dictionary

  9. hitzig - Translation from German into English | PONS

  10. hitzig - Translation in LEO’s English ⇔ German Dictionary - leo.org