2023年5月29日 · MagicaVoxel @ ephtracy [Win/Mac] [5/29/2023] A free lightweight GPU-based voxel art editor and interactive path tracing renderer. Feature Demo Demo2. License. Free to use for any project. Credits to the software are appreciated but not required (e.g. "created by MagicaVoxel"). Selling the software (original or modified) is disallowed.
MagicaVoxel Viewer @ ephtracy (Win/Mac v0.41) A free interactive voxel path tracing renderer, enjoy! Sparse volume size up to 2048^3; 8-bit or 16-bit color palette (.xraw) Minecraft schematic model (.schematic)
Generates isometric pixel art from MagicaVoxel .vox files. Articles; 1. Daishi blog/MagicaVoxel Japanese; 2. Publishing Voxel Designs from MagicaVoxel to Sketchfab; 3. Building with MagicaVoxel and export to A-Frame (WebVR framework) 4. Script for …
Requirement: Win64, OpenGL 4.6, 2GB GPU Ram ; Display nothing: Force windows to use the dedicated gpu (via high performance power plan or gpu panel or Settings > System > Display > Graphics Settings).
MagicaVoxel; MagicaCSG; Aerialod; Viewer; Shortcuts; Commands; Resources; Contact; Aerialod @ ephtracy (Win v0.0.2) An interactive path tracing renderer for height maps. support rendering height maps of size up to 16384^2. support importing and exporting 8-bit and 16-bit png images. win64 0.0.2 Sample Maps Plugin (Denoiser)